Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Recs from the Big Mutha

GR Film Buff Serena Bartlett:
Get film recommendations from Mother Earth? OK, might be a stretch but here's a couple to check out while you're focused on being cool to the original mama:

The Day the Earth Stood Still
I just love it, day, night, PMS cramps, projected on the wall during a house party: this film is good where ever, whenever. So why not watch it today, while meditating on the earth NOT standing still.

The Gods Must Be Crazy
My favorite Uncle Mo is just gaga over this one -- it is another film I missed being raised away from cathode rays whenever my parents could manage. But today I am bringing out my VHS of it ($1.99 at Amoeba Records) and I'll try to rally up the troops for a bit of philosophical conversation on evolution, culture and what it all means. I'll let you know if I we figure anything out. Anyway, it'll be a good break in between the Earth Day volunteering activities the GR crew has been up to...

Film Connection!!!!
Everyone should know about this! www.thefilmconnection.org is a non-profit independent and documentary video library, like Netflix but only the good stuff, lots of environmental films for the theme of day, plus it is FREE! Topics go way beyond the ecological issues the earth is experiencing to include: arts and culture, diversity, women in film, aging, war and peace just to name a few. Go on, create an account (they'll get you credit card info in case you don't return your film) and you can rent one at a time for free, shipped right to your door!

Happy Earth Day!

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